๐ต๐ญ TAGUDIN • The Jaundiced Yellow Town of Ilocandia
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Stories of town explorations.
No... not many call it a yellow town except unless you already heard someone telling you who is not from the Land of kuripot (but hot, yummy and smart) people na itago natin sa pangalang Ilocos (I belong, just so you know :p)! But before you believe that the yellow town is Tagudin, can you please check you teeth first? LOL! It is not actually the real title of the town. Actually it a first class municipality in Ilocos Sur with a lot of major major titles that can steal the crown of Venus Raj. It is indeed a title holder town but I just want to coin a new title and I will call the town as "Yellow Town" :p Some acceptable titles are The Gateway to Ilocos, Malunggay Capital of the Philippines, and the Pearl of the Amburayan River.

Ok, I will show you some reasons why the town of Tagudin is the yellow town. But before anything else, Tagudin is not a cold town (yelo). LOL!
Yellow Tricycles. One of the lame reasons why I call the town as a yellow town is the tricycles. All public tricycles are painted with yellow. It doesn't matter if it is dark yellow, light yellow or a new wave golden brown yellow (uh?), what is important is that you can recognize them as yellow. blahh >.<
The yellow tricycle above is the same yelow tricycle that toured me around the town. They virtually make the road (especially in poblacion) as the official dumpsite of fresh peelings of yellow bananas (those that aren't banned in China).

Yellow Market: There you are! -- the yellow market that sells yellow roses (not the real one, the plastic type made in China), yellow bikinis and yellow flip flops that will make you look like a walking mango shake (kidding, uh, please bear with the things I am saying because mango trees can bear yellow mango fruits when ripe :p).
Yellow People: Yes! They are yellow people because they are wearing yellow clothes that glare me. I have no photos because I saw them inside the municipl hall. Oh my! Taking a photo inside requires that you must be wearing a yellow underwear #fiction :p
Yellow Mangoes: I know yellow mangoes are almost everywhere, so what? I want to include it here to make this post super yellow! LOL!
Yellow Leaves: Uh? What about that? Well Tagudin is in the making as the "Malunggay Capital of the Philippines." Seriously. But I want to leave a trivia. Malunggay leaves become yellow when their life is nearing it's end. Do you know that?
Yellow Juice: Aside from malunggay, Tagudin has also adopted calamansi as their OTOP (One Town One Product). The town produces calamansi juice and other products from calamansi. Oh uh. Please take note that the juice needs to be yellow, please erase black gulaman in your mind because calamansi juice that is black in color requires food coloring. Oh well, the town produces healthy food for everyone :)
Ok, I hope I did not convince you that the town is the yellow town of Ilocos because once I convinced you, I am convinced too. LOL!
The Yellow Town
Yellow Tricycles. One of the lame reasons why I call the town as a yellow town is the tricycles. All public tricycles are painted with yellow. It doesn't matter if it is dark yellow, light yellow or a new wave golden brown yellow (uh?), what is important is that you can recognize them as yellow. blahh >.<
The yellow tricycle above is the same yelow tricycle that toured me around the town. They virtually make the road (especially in poblacion) as the official dumpsite of fresh peelings of yellow bananas (those that aren't banned in China).

Yellow People: Yes! They are yellow people because they are wearing yellow clothes that glare me. I have no photos because I saw them inside the municipl hall. Oh my! Taking a photo inside requires that you must be wearing a yellow underwear #fiction :p
Yellow Mangoes: I know yellow mangoes are almost everywhere, so what? I want to include it here to make this post super yellow! LOL!
Yellow Leaves: Uh? What about that? Well Tagudin is in the making as the "Malunggay Capital of the Philippines." Seriously. But I want to leave a trivia. Malunggay leaves become yellow when their life is nearing it's end. Do you know that?
Yellow Juice: Aside from malunggay, Tagudin has also adopted calamansi as their OTOP (One Town One Product). The town produces calamansi juice and other products from calamansi. Oh uh. Please take note that the juice needs to be yellow, please erase black gulaman in your mind because calamansi juice that is black in color requires food coloring. Oh well, the town produces healthy food for everyone :)
Ok, I hope I did not convince you that the town is the yellow town of Ilocos because once I convinced you, I am convinced too. LOL!
Interesting Trivia about Tagudin

The first sundial in the Philippines. Because I do not know how to use a sundial, I also don't know what is this for honestly. But based on the context of the word sundial, this has something to do with the sun. This is the oldest surviving sundial in the whole Philippine archipelago from Aparri to Jolo (more about this sundial for my upcoming posts in this series).
First town. It is the first town in Ilocandia when you are coming from Manila either by bus or by a bicycle when you are taking the Manila North Road, lol. It is also the last town in Ilocandia when you are coming from the north either by a calesa or simply alay-lakad walking up to sawa... Indeed the first and the last.

So are you excited for the upcoming discoveries I discovered in Tagudin? Well this is just the prelude and we will spend 1 whole month or more (like 10 years, lol) to blog some details of the town of Tagudin that only me can observe the weird way, lols!
See you for the next post #TownExplorers!
See you for the next post #TownExplorers!